Pond Leak Repair Contractors Pricing
Southern & Central Connecticut (CT) Hamden-New Haven County Areas
Tired of running your hose 30-40 minutes every other day to keep your pond full ?
Tired of worrying about your fish... ? Thinking.. "Is there enough water? Is the Pump Sucking air ? Tired of the high water bills due to topping off your pond ? |
Repair/Leak Service Call Pricing TJB-Inc Local Service Call + first 1/2 hour $165.00 (1 Technician)
(Non Local – Additional Mileage Fee will be added to invoice)
Each additional Man Hour $75.00 per man/hr (pro-rated)
Materials/Supplies Needed $ (MSRP-10%)
Heavy Power Equipment $250 1st hr, $55 per additional ½ hr
(Non Local – Additional Mileage Fee will be added to invoice)
Each additional Man Hour $75.00 per man/hr (pro-rated)
Materials/Supplies Needed $ (MSRP-10%)
Heavy Power Equipment $250 1st hr, $55 per additional ½ hr